
Which website is listed on the back of your ID card?


What is MyIBXTPA?

MyIBXTPA is our secure, online portal for employers and cardholders.

MyIBXTPA for Cardholders

MyIBXTPA is currently available for cardholders. If you are a spouse or dependent, please obtain information on our Members page.

MyIBXTPA for cardholders can help you manage your health and benefits safely and conveniently. The online portal makes it easy to view your eligibility and benefits information, find network health care providers anywhere in the U.S., view claims, manage your prescriptions, obtain drug information, download forms, access health resources, and research health topics.

Cardholder Login/Register at MyIBXTPA

Features of MyIBXTPA

MyIBXTPA for Employers

Managing your program is safe and convenient through MyIBXTPA. Online services make it easy for you to view plan information and reports. Through the optional online enrollment tool, transactions such as adding a member and submitting changes can easily be made.

Login/Register at MyIBXTPA

Features of MyIBXTPA